Big Stick
Stagger Lee
The Life, The Lore, and Folk Poetry of the Black Hustler — 1967

by Dennis Wepman, Ronald B. Newman, Murray B. Binderman
The 1967 Stagger Lee toast that inspired Nick Cave
I was sitting in the studio, reading a book that Jim Sclavunos had found about the folk poetry of black hustlers, and I came across this version. -- Nick Cave
Stagger Lee - Big Stick
(Trad. c. 1895)
Transcribed in Auburn Prison, New York, 1967
"The toasts in this collection were taken down in shorthand from spontaneous recitations during the 1950's and 60's by one of us, at that time an inmate in the prisons of New York - Sing Sing, Clinton, Attica, and Auburn."
"The proto-toast "Stagger Lee" has been widely printed and discussed since a version of it appeared in "The Journal Of American Folklore" in 1911. The ballad is apparently based on the killing of one Billy Lyon by an already notorious badman named Lee. The fight or murder is variously explained, but it usually has something to do with Billy's stealing, winning, or spitting on Stag's milk-white Stetson Hat. In the toast which has evolved from this bully-ballad, the cause of the shooting is usually reduced to the victim's opposition to Stag. In this version Stag's motives for killing Billy seems to be sheer meanness. In all versions, Stag is the victor, and sometimes he triumphs even after his execution for the murder - by bullying the devil into relinquishing the rule of Hell to him. The version presented here has no such grand dimension"
"This version came from Big Stick, a black hustler from upstate New York, in Auburn [prison] in 1967. Stick was about twenty and said he had known it for years."
Bitch: Woman (not always pejorative)
Broad: Woman
Colt .45: Type of pistol
Cop: Obtain something illegally: sex, drugs, etc.
Dime: Ten cents
Fuck: Have sexual relations
Head: Glans of the penis
Jojo: Personification of the penis
Motherfucker: Person (not always pejorative)
Pad: Residence
Rat-drawn shoes: Pointed shoes
Stagger Lee
Back in '32 when times were hard, He had a Colt .45 and a deck of cards, Rat-drawn shoes, an old Stetson hat, A '28 Ford and payments on that. His woman threw him out in the ice and snow, And told him not to come back there no more. He hadn't copped for a long, long time, And he had to play with Jojo 'cause he didn't have a dime. He walked through rain and he walked through mud, Till he came to a place called the Bucket of Blood. He said, "Mr. Motherfucker, you must know who I am." Barkeep said, "No, and I don't give a good goddamn." He said, "Well, bartender, it's plain to see, I'm that bad motherfucker named Stagger Lee." Barkeep said, "Yeah, I heard your name down the way, But I kick motherfucking asses like you every day." Well, those were the last words the barkeep said, 'Cause Stag put four holes in his motherfucking head. Just then in came a broad named Nellie Brown, Known to have more coins than any bitch in town. She came 'cross the bar, pulling up her skirt, The way the bitch always started to flirt. She dug the barkeep and said, "He can't be dead." Stag said, "Well just count them holes in the motherfucker's head." She said, "You look like you ain't copped in quite a time. Why not come to my pad. It won't cost you a dime." "But there's something I'll have to say before you begin. You'll have to be gone when Billy Dilly comes in." "I'll stay there till Billy Dilly comes in, till time comes to pass. And furthermore I'll fuck Billy Dilly in his motherfucking ass." Well they started to fuck, and she started to fart. He said, "What's wrong, bitch?" She said, "Coming, sweetheart." Just then Billy Dilly rolled in and said, "You must be That bad motherfucker called Stagger Lee." "Yeah I'm Stagger Lee, and you'd better get down on your knees and slobber my head, 'Cause if you don't you're sure to be dead." Billy dropped down and slobbered on his head, But Stag filled him full of lead.