Stagger Lee

Mary Wheeler

Stacker Lee Riverboat

Bertha Wenzel, Singer; Bill Small, guitar on Folk Songs of the River (Century Custom Recording Servi — 1939

Mary Wheeler
The Stacker Lee

The Stagger Lee song intersects with songs about the riverboat, Stacker Lee. There is frequent confusion and occasional dispute about the origins of the song -- whether it was the Lee Shelton and Bill Lyons story or about the riverboat. It seems clear now that they are two separate songs with their own histories.

The Stacker Lee was named after Capt. Jim Lee’s son Samuel Stacker Lee. Stacker Lee served as captain on several Lee boats. The Stacker Lee was called Stack-o-Dollars by her crew because she was a very profitable boat for the Lee Line. Son Stacker at 16 road with Nathan Bedford Forrest during the war of northern agression or Civil War depending on your point of view. Stacker was known to live large, pursue women and drink. Later in life he settled down, married and had a son Samuel Stacker Lee Jr.
-- Lee Line Steamers | Riverboat History